
Welcome to the Innovative and Smart Infrastructure Group (ISIG) at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN! This group is interested in studying innovative and state of the art methods and approaches to tackle current and future infrastructure related challenges. The main topics we focus on are Structural Control, Structural Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring, Sustainability, and Nonlinear Dynamics.

-Dr. Nick Wierschem

Graduate Research Assistant Position Available:

A position as a MS or PhD student in the Innovative and Smart Infrastructure Group (ISIG) working with Dr. Wierschem is available starting as soon as Spring 2024. This position is available to US Citizens only. This student will be involved in a research project on vibration isolation. Interested candidates should email Dr. Wierschem (nwiersch at utk.edu) with a CV / resume. Include “ISIG Graduate Applicant” and your name in the subject of the email.